It is a joy for us to help you fulfill the promise you made at your child's Baptism, to teach and form your child in our faith. We look forward to working with you over these next years.
As you know, parents are always the primary educators of their children in the faith. Families bring the faith alive in the home by example and practicing our Catholic faith. As the catechism states, (CCC: 2252) “Parents have the first responsibility for the education of their children in the faith, prayer, and all the virtues.” We are here to assist you in your responsibility.
Mass attendance is essential to your child's faith formation, and part of the commitment you made as parents at their Baptism. We are expecting that the children in this program are attending Mass each Sunday and on Holy Days of Obligation. We believe that when we place Christ first in our lives all other things fall into place. Who/what we place as a priority in life is observed by our children and they then take note of it and believe it is the priority.
You should be a registered parishioner at either St. Nicholas of Myra or Annunciation of the Lord when Registering for faith formation classes.
Parish Registration forms can be found here:
Faith Formation Registration
Faith Formation Calendar Schedule for 2025: CALENDAR
Important Information for Students in Grade 5-7:
Instead of our regular class on Monday, March 31, we request students and their families (at least one adult) to join us for Stations of the Cross at Annunciation of the Lord Church. The service begins at 6:30 pm, but please plan to arrive 5–10 minutes early so students can check in with their teachers before sitting with their families. Please note there will be no classes at St. Nicholas that evening. We look forward to seeing you there!