Annunciation of the Lord Women’s Guild
Mission Statement
The purpose of the Women’s Guild is to bring together women who have the same philosophy regarding their parish and parish life. It is a social gathering, as well as a gathering of a faithful group of women who enjoy coming together and organizing parish functions. It is a personal donation of their time, talent, and treasure.
The purpose of Ladies Guild is two-fold:
We are a group of women of all backgrounds, coming together and sharing our faith and lives with one another. Through these caring relationships we are striving to foster a real sense of family in our parish and community.
Membership is open to all women of the parish, 18 years and older, who are committed to putting God’s words into action through involvement and participation. We encourage all the women of the parish to become members and join us on our spiritual and social journey.
For more information about the Women’s Group, or to join, call Annunciation of the Lord parish office at 508-823-2521.
Faith - Faith is the basis for everything we do within the Women's Guild. Our shared love of, obedience to, and relationship with Jesus Christ serves as the building blocks of our organization.
Fellowship - Fellowship is essential in growing in our faith. We are made for fellowship and through faith-filled friendships we help each other to mature in our faith lives.
Service - In Matthew 20:28, Jesus tells us He came to serve, not to be served. When we serve others, we are drawing closer to the Lord and we become Jesus to others.